Diagnostic Testing Facilities
Canberra Eye Surgeons have a range of advanced diagnostic equipment to enhance our Ophthalmologists ability to accurately assess and monitor your condition.
We take pride in maintaining, and updating, the best range of diagnostic equipment of any similar regional facility. Equally important is our commitment to data collection and quality review of our laser and surgical results.
Below is a brief description of our major diagnostic instruments used within the facility.
A Scan and Keratometry measurements for cataract surgery
Excellent vision following cataract surgery depends on accurate selection of the implant lens. Curvature and length of the eye are used in formulae to predict the post-operative vision without glasses correction. Many cataract patients find their short and longsightedness corrected at the same time as cataract removal because of correct implant lens choice. We use several different A Scan and Keratometer machines and customise the formula for the eye to be treated.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina, the light-sensitive tissue lining in the back of the eye.
Visual Field Testing
Measuring the width of vision is as important as measuring its sharpness on the letter chart. The width of the field of vision is reduced in glaucoma and some retinal conditions. Accurate, reproducible computerised measurements are fundamental to glaucoma management where subtle changes over time may be detected and halted with individualised therapy. Testing one eye takes about 5 minutes, looking straight ahead and pushing a button if a light is seen flashing in the periphery.
Fundus Camera
This camera is designed to capture details of the back of the eye, its structure, circulation and nerve fibre layer. It is fundamental to any modern ophthalmic practice. Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) is the examination of the circulation of the retina and adjacent layers where dye, injected into the forearm, is photographed as it passes through the back of the eye. The patterns of its flow, leakage and stoppage are important to decisions in management of diabetes, macula degeneration, vein occlusion and some tumours.
Corneal topography
We have a number of corneal topographers that measure patterns of corneal curvature and thickness. A sophisticated computer provides a colour coded map of the topography of the cornea and data on its changing thickness. Safe refractive surgery is not possible without this data. Other corneal conditions such as keratoconus and scarring can be assessed and followed with this technology. Testing takes 5 to 10 seconds per eye and can be repeated over time for comparisons.
A Pentacam is a non-invasive and non-contact diagnostic instrument that provides a 3 dimensional image of the anterior portion of the eye. It consists of a rotating camera which captures a series of images. These images are used to measure the thickness and topography of the cornea, and angle and density of the lens.
The Zeiss Atlas 9000 Corneal Topography System is a diagnostic instrument that measures the curvature of the cornea and produces topographical images. It is particularly helpful with IOL selection for post Lasik patients.

Slit Lamp and Refractor Head

Precise measurements are taken to prepare for cataract surgery